If you are new to the blog, then let me tell you a bit about it. If you want the full nitty gritty, go over and read Blah, Blah, Blah, but Really, It’s Me. For now, I’m a mother of 3, wife of 1 man, teacher since I was 13, entrepreneur born, lover of life and all it entails, a minimalist at heart, and an Earth crusader through and through. This means that I am a passionate person in all that I do, feel strongly about educating, and hate that people often call me judgy. I’m not judgy. I’m here to help you, and if you don’t want my advice, then I won’t give it, but if you are making an error that may endanger your child I will gently suggest a revision to your method in a teachable moment way. Not judgy.

That being said, I cosleep with my children, feel adamantly about proper spacing to give your children time to be the main focus and mature so that they are ready for a sibling, and don’t feel that my kids should have more than they need. If they want an iPod, save up for it or find a way to get it on Kijiji. We’re big Kijiji-ers and that’s part of our minimalist lifestyle. I may have had several different strollers in the span of the 2 1/2 years that Pirate has been around, but only two have been bought new. One was a gift, and the other is our utilitarian bike trailer/jogging stroller that goes to 110 pounds to carry my students should they be injured at the park. It just falls in the same time span as the others.

I’m off on a tangent again, however, this will give you a sense of what the blog is about. It’s basically about whatever I’m passionate about at that moment, and I’m going to have a hard time limiting it to one post per day. Enjoy, and I hope you will subscribe! If you don’t have a WordPress account, you can follow me on Facebook too. I post my blog updates and other tidbits there as well.

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7 Responses to

  1. I’ve just discovered your blog and I’ll definitely be checking out past posts later today (2am here and I need to try and force myself to sleep) but your blog is looking great and can’t wait to get caught up with it. I’ve followed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anxious Mom says:

    Hey, I don’t know if you do the blogger award thing, but if you do, I nominated your blog for the Creative Blogger Award. Details here: https://thatanxiousmom.wordpress.com/2015/03/29/creative-blogger-award/ πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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